Protective Financial
Solutions, Inc.

COBRAToday Application Package COBRAToday

Start the Application Process

Thank you for your interest in COBRAToday. The enclosed materials explain the benefits and features of COBRAToday offered by TASC.

Everything you need to sign up for this valuable service is included in this site, However, it is recommended that you contact the TASC provider to assist you in the application process to ensure the plan is setup in the way that is best for you.

You may contact your provider by calling 1-888-533-7928 or emailing .

Once again, thank you for your interest in COBRAToday and Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC). TASC stands behind all its products and services to ensure maximum efficiency and satisfaction.

File Downoads

Click on the links on the right to download the application and application guide, if you need it. If you have any questions at all about this process, please call the following number for assistance: 1-888-533-7928.


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